June 8, 2009

Let Them Eat Cupcakes

Trying to expand my claim on Google results for Lubbock cupcakes, I strive to provide you with the latest information on cupcake news in the Hub City.

First, a writeup of Cake by distinctive details and Peace O'Cake Cupcakes ran in Sunday's Avalanche-Journal. I'm one of the cupcake fanatics mentioned in the story, not by name, of course, but they really should have interviewed me for this piece. Who else has as much interest in cake to frosting ratios, buttercream vs. shortening, flavor profiles, etc.? And my food photography talent! My gosh! Look at this photo of the cupcakes from the A-J. Doesn't this just make your mouth water?

It didn't do anything for me either. This is the most boring, colorless photo of cupcakes I've ever seen. Nothing wrong with this photo except the fluorescent lighting, flash glare, and bad angle. I also find that food porn calls for a macro lens.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter FrostingThis is my legacy apparently, my food snobbery and eccentricity. The blog Cupcakes Take the Cake quoted one of my blog posts with the headline Peanut butter frosting lover defends her peanut butter passion. You knew it would be bacon or peanut butter with me. I'm Internet famous.


Abigail said...

I agree, you're a much better food photographer than the A-J. For future cupcake outings, you may consider this: http://www.cupcakecourier.com/

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